Professional Learning Tips
Tips for our Registration System
- Add to your list of trusted addresses. This will insure emails from the registration system make it to your inbox.
- If you forget or are unsure of the your username and/or password DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. Click the "Forgot Your Login Id and/or Password" button. The email address you enter must match the one in the registration system for you to receive your logon information. It could be 30 minutes or more before you receive the email.
- If you forgot you username and/or password and never received your logon information email after clicking the forgot button, please call our office for assistance at 407-317-3660 or 800-262-1596. DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT
- If you did not receive a confirmation email or you did not see a screen like this: You Are Not Registered for the course. The most likely reason is that you did not click the "Check Out" button.
- You have clicked the "Register" button and then clicked the "Submit Registration" button (for new account) or login. You are not registered but sitting a screen showing your cart. You must click the "Check Out" button to complete your registration.
- Please use full names for work locations, no abbreviations or school numbers (i.e. Teague Middle School not TMS). We do not need the address